Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Rules for the Year

  1. Make realistic goals for yourself, write them down, pray about them and try to achieve them.
  2. Go through your cell phone, caller id, calendar and email addresses and discard the people and events that mean you no good or don't benefit your life.
  3. If you are between the ages of 25-35 please start listening to more than Hip-Hop and Pop!
  4. Take care of your kids and devote a weekend or two when you spend "quality" time with them. Who cares if you miss out on a "mix"! You can party anytime!
  5. Get your debt in order!
  6. Stop trying to validate reasons for what is wrong. Wrong is just flat out wrong.
  7. Don't try to impress people that don't matter.
  8. Don't spread senseless rumors or be a pot stirrer. Try to get your own life in order!
  9. Stop being someone's mistress. You can try to secretly call, text or creep in the most private way or place but you cannot hide from God.
  10. Listen More. Talk less.
  11. Don’t get above yourself or means.
  12. Be a giver and not a taker! You cannot give with a closed hand nor receive with a closed hand.
  13. Don't expect be on the receiving end all the time. You receive more when you actually give.
  14. If God delivers you form a messy relationship, friend or situation, why do you keep PULLING THEM BACK? Let it go .
  15. Tell people you love them!
  16. Speak clearly and not ignorantly! Anyone can be a fool.
  17. Stop waiting on Tax Season and save NOW!
  18. Eat what you need and not just because you can.
  19. See how long you can go without checking your cell phone when it's NOT ringing.
  20. Be more positive!
  21. Be considerate of others feelings. Appreciate everyone. Why do people put others down for the most ridiculous things?!
  22. Keep your opinion to yourself! We all know what others should do, but what about you?
  23. If you aren't in a relationship, it's not the end of the world! Self love is more valuable.
  24. Broaden your mind!
  25. Live life today like it's your last, love like God taught us and laugh.
  26. Forgive! Forgive! Forgive! All of us have been forgiven for something. God forgave you.

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